Swimming Pool History

From The Ampthill and District News, 1907-01-26


The county Education Committee meeting on Friday agreed that a female supplementary teacher be appointed on the staff at the Eversholt Council school, in the place of a teacher who had resigned.

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday evening, the 17th, Mr HJ Humphreys (chairman) presiding. With regard to the new pipes to convey the water to the houses and the pump at Church End, Mr. Humphreys said that he had received a communication from Mr P Hall asking the council to pay a nominal yearly sum to His Grace the Duke of Bedford, for which he would guarantee a continual supply water to the pump. On the motion of Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Ford, it was agreed to pay the sum of one shilling per annum. A letter was read from Mr Wild, the schoolmaster, asking the Council to approach the Duke with a request that bathing might be permitted in the new lake. He pointed out what a boon it would be to scholars and others, and said that the Board of Education realising the necessity of children learning to swim had decided that attendance at a swimming lesson might count as attendance at school. After some discussion it was decided to lay the matter before His Grace, as at present there are no opportunities in Eversholt for bathing. Various bills were presented, and passed for payment, including one to Mr J Pepper for a new stile at Rads End And one to Mr Stanbridge for providing and carting gravel to several bad places on public footpaths.

Perhaps the “new lake” was Linden Lake. That is artificial, there is an earth dam at the end closest the recreation ground. That would provide the reliable water source for the pump, too.

From the Luton Times and Advertiser 1910-02-25


The Rev A Rust, vicar of Husborne Crawley, preached at the special Lent service on Wednesday.

It is reported that the Duke of Bedford will provide a swimming bath for public use in the recreation ground. Alterations are being carried out in the park, and a new hard road being constructed from Linden lodge.

As foxes of late have been rather numerous in the parish, three being seen on one occasion, the visit of the Herts hounds on Wednesday caused some excitement.

1910-03-12 Ampthill And District News


A special parish meeting was held on Monday evening in the infant school. It was reported by the chairman that the district Council could not agree about the making up of Elm Tree Baulk, and a letter was also read from the Clerk referring the matter back to the parish council. Very strong opinions were expressed by several members of the council and in the end the matter was referred back to the district Council. Two tenders only were received for the kerbage on the recreation ground. That of Mr T Stanbridge for £3 was accepted. A letter from Mr CP Hall was read containing an offer to construct a swimming bath in the recreation ground, and give 5 pounds a year towards its upkeep. In the event of the council accepting the offer Mr Hall asked for a committee to meet him and discuss details. The Duke’s munificent offer was accepted, And Messrs HJ Humphreys, G Bence Smith, and E Druce were appointed as a subcommittee with full powers To act for the council.

1910-03-18 The Beds Advertiser and Luton Times


Gift of a swimming bath. At the Parish Council meeting, a letter was read from Mr CP Hall, Steward to the Duke of Bedford, offering on His Grace’s behalf to construct a swimming bath in the recreation ground and to give £5 per annum towards its maintenance, provided that the council would guarantee to control the bath. In the event of the offer being accepted, Mr Hall asked for a subcommittee to meet him and discuss details. It was decided to accept the Duke’s munificent offer, and Messrs H Humphreys, G Bence Smith and E Druce appointed to meet Mr Hall with powers to act for the council.

The repair of Elm Tree Baulk was brought before the Ampthill rural district Council by Mr Humphreys, who said a few loads of material would complete the work. Mr Atwood said it was a parish council matter. The road was only a bridleway. Mr Hall said that in the award it was given as a public carriage road. Mr Humphreys said the road was a disgrace to any council. Mr Garton: yes, to the Parish Council it is (Laughter). The matter was referred to the Clerk to report to the next meeting on the statement in the award.

1910-04-15 The Bedfordshire Times and Independent

[to be continued]