1902-06-26 (Attempted) Coronation of Edward VII

The coronation of Edward VII did not go smoothly. Edward contracted appendicitis, a dangerous illness back then, and he might have died. His coronation was postponed from 26 June to 9 August 1902. Eversholt had a party planned for 26 June:


Transcript by EJW:

1 July 1902
Leighton Buzzard Observer and Linslade Gazette
British Newspaper Archive

The Village Festivities
Contrary Winds

As in every place the coronation festivities committee at Eversholt was filled with consternation by the sad news of the serious condition of His Majesty the King. Meeting after meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Rev. WE Collins, Rector. Propositions passed at one meeting were rescinded at the next. And still there were more meetings. On Tuesday evening a meeting was called in great haste. And this meeting hastily called, as hastily passed a resolution to the effect that the butchers and tradesmen should be asked to dispose of their meat, etc, to the best advantage, and that the committee make up any loss they suffer thereby. And that all orders for goods not yet delivered he cancelled. And that there be no band, No bells, no feast, “no nuffink”. Mr Bence Smith just saved the position by suggesting that the king might have a good night and be better in the morning, and he might, if conscious, wish the festivities to be carried on as intended. The committee, thereupon, agreed to meet at 11 o’clock on Wednesday morning to receive the official bulletin. A score of the committee met at “The Green Man” inn next morning, when Mr Bence Smith’s prophecy, or forecast, was fully verified. It was well known that the villagers wanted their feed, so, between loyalty to their sovereign and a wish to satisfy the inhabitants, the committee were at their wits’ end. Finally, a compromise was made, and it was agreed to consume the provisions, mineral waters, and beer. But that there should be no band, no sports; just a quiet tea. On Thursday morning, however, the beautiful weather, combined with the good news that the King was progressing favourably, gave people something to feel thankful for, so the committee were again called together at noon, and agreed to adhere to the original program as far as possible, except that there should be no bells rung. The ladies and carvers had been very busy all morning cutting up bread and butter, carving the huge joints of meat, and making innumerable sandwiches. The afternoon’s proceedings commenced with a short service of intercession for King Edward, held in the Parish Church by the Rector. At 3 o’clock an open-air tea was given to the children and a few mothers. Most of the mothers and a few men sat down to tables at 4 o’clock, and at 5 o’clock the remainder of the men. Altogether considerably over 500 partook of a good meat tea with cake for those who liked it – and who didn’t? Then sports and dancing were indulged in until 9 o’clock, when a very happy holiday was brought to a conclusion by the band playing and the the people singing “God Save The King”. The highest praise is due to the different committees and to the tradesmen for what they accomplished in so short a time. The catering committee,Consisting of Mrs HJ Humphreys, AWM Ford, T Stanbridge, M Slade, WC Oakley, GW Negus, F Major, and D Whitbread, together with the Ladies committee, consisting of Mrs Wild, Mrs HJ Humphries, Mrs JW Pepper, Mrs Reddall, Miss Odell, Mrs Slade, Mrs HJ Brinklow, Miss Goodman, assisted by other kind helpers, had not only to spend much time in consideration and preparation beforehand, but they had their hands full on Thursday. The Sports Committee prepared a capital programme, consisting of 23 items, which was well carried out. The Committee consisted of Messrs HA Peto, HJ Humphreys, H Harris, A Macgregor, and G Childs. The conduct and behaviour of the people made light work for the field stewards, Messrs Lane, AW Harris, and A McGregor. Messrs AW Harris, Lane, Wild, and F Major formed the crockery committee, and found an amply sufficient supply by the kindness of those in charge of the crockery, belonging to the Eversholt Friendly Society, the Church Sunday school, and the Wesleyan Chapel. Mr George Baker attended to the coppers, kindly lent by Messrs Wild, Oakley, Smith, and AW Shillingford. The tea maker was Mrs Reddall. These were well supplied with water by Messrs E Oakley, Albert Smith, etc. Messrs HJ Humphreys, GW Negus, WC Oakley, TW Holmes, Thos Stanbridge, and B Smith had a tough job in the forenoon in cutting up tender meat. Messrs AWM Ford and WC Oakley made the most faithful of provision stewards in teh School-room, after the provisions had been scrutinised, passed and received by Messrs Wild and Hy Harris. Three half-barrels of beer and twenty-four dozen mineral waters were dispensed by Messrs Lane, Slade and Negus. The committee meet to settle up on Wednesday evening next.

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