2012-06-03 Diamond Jubilee and Big Lunch

There was a spectacular demonstration of village integration and co-operation this weekend at the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, which was combined with this year’s Big Lunch. (http://www.thebiglunch.com/). Due to have been held at Rads End, the weather forced a rethink and it was decided that the Green Man, with abundance of cover would be a better bet. While most people arrived in a congenital manner, many children (and your writer) took the less dignified (but more fun) approach of coming by tractor and trailer. Wayne Creamer drove while cunningly disguised in a HM Queen face mask and a large green hat.

It is reckoned that over 250 people attended, most bringing a fabulous assortment of foodstuffs, most of which I think I sampled. While the rain gathered pace so did the talking and swapping stories (as well as recipes). At the end we were all stirred by some patriotic songs backed by Bill Pougher’s  musical skills. Dave Bottle rounded things off with a thanks to all who helped organised the event, especially to Caroline Adam, who kindly donated Diamond Jubilee Mugs for each of the village children.
Feel free to add any thoughts, recollections or comments after the photos –
Avoiding the rain at the Green Man
Avoiding the rain at the Green Man
Richard Earl and daughter Lucy
Richard Earl and daughter Lucy


What a smorgasbord!
What a smorgasbord!


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Somebody made a nice flag
Somebody made a nice flag


Ella had to stay home, but nevertheless celebrated in style.
Ella had to stay home, but nevertheless celebrated in style.


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