2012-10-06 Eversholt Church Flower Festival

A flower festival was held over the weekend of 6 October 2012, with the theme “1000 years…”.


Emrys Williams attempted to take some photos of the flowers. To see all the pictures in detail, click this gallery. Sorry, that’s a benighted google+ gallery rather than the nice friendly picasa gallery, but it should do the job. Blame google. I do, often. The flower pictures are CC-BY-SA licensed if you’d like to reuse them. That means that you can reprint them and republish them anywhere, but you have to say who took them, and you have to allow others to reuse your reprint in the same way.
He also took pictures of some of the guests attending the preview evening, in the gallery below. Captions have been left off, but locals will know who they are! This is (a) to maintain some privacy and (b) to exasperate whatever local historian is curating this collection in 2112. The pictures below are copyright Emrys Williams and not to be reproduced without permission, again to maintain the privacy of the subjects. Otherwise, browse on!
[Picasa gallery to be inserted.]

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