
Is there such a place as Evershall? There are records all over the web of a village called Evershall, and sometimes a village called Evershall in Bedfordshire, like this and this and this. But it doesn’t seem to be real. Some records for Evershall are conflated with records for Eversholt.

Maybe Evershall is just a mistake for Evershalt, and all the records on the web referencing Evershall actually mean Eversholt instead.
I have no idea! If you know of an Evershall that’s real, please leave a comment.
Update May 2012: Evershall is unmistakably and definitely used as the name of the village in the Coroner’s report printed in the House of Lords papers on the Sarah Deacon Affair. However, a wide web search for “Evershall” produces remarkably few references. The web search results are polluted by the common mistake of writing “evershall” for “ever shall”. Unfortunately, google gives no way of requiring an upper case letter at the start of the word in a search term, which would eliminate most of these. Nonetheless, the results that have been obtained indicate that “Evershall” as the village name was mostly popularised by the accounts of the baptists in the 1600s, where the word is clearly copied from one place to another. The word is also used in some CofE listings for he period 1700-1750. It does appear in some transcripts of census entries, but rather few. “Evershall” does appear in The Diocesan Population Returns for 1563 and 1603 which may be worth browsing for the one line about us. (Used copies from £23.50 at Amazon.)
But on the whole, “Evershall” seems to be much rarer asa name for our village than “Eversholt” at all times.

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