This plaque is in the tower entrance to Eversholt Church. Click for the full-resolution version.
For the search engines, the text reads:
In the churchyard are deposited the remains of The Reverend JAMES REED B.D. One of the chaplains of the Kings GEORGE III, GEORGE IV,and WILLIAM IV and of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA Vicar of HAMPSTEAD NORRIS, COUNTY BERKS and for 32 years rector of this parish who died on the 10th day of January in the year of Our Lord 1843 aged 74 and whose Christian memory his executrix thinks she most fittingly honours by inscribing here the beginning of his last will.I, JAMES REED, Rector of EVERSHOLT, BEDS die in charity with all men. and with a contrite sense of the manifold sins and negligences of my past life humbly imploring forgiveness of Almighty God and earnestly praying that of his infinite mercy he will grant me admission into his kingdom in Heaven. Not thro’ any merits of my own for I have none to plead but thro’ the atonement and mediation of my Redeemer JESUS CHRIST our Lord to whom with the Father and the HOLY SPIRIT be praise and thanksgiving and glory for ever and ever Amen
Much more about James Reed is on this page.
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