Edward Bune, or Edward Woburn, was rector of Eversholt from 1559 to 1563. He had previously been one of the monks of Woburn Abbey! There is an article about this in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society for 1933, but Cambridge University wants £20 for a single copy of the article, so I just poked about with Google books snippet view.
It seems that Woburn Abbey was broken up by force in 1537 or 1538. The Abbot, sub-prior and sexton were killed. Edward Bune or Woburn was a relatively young monk. He was flexible enough to go along with the new church and made two good livings for himself!
The national archive listing on the Rectors page says that Bune was appointed because there was a vacancy, meaning that the previous chap just disappeared or was fired or something. Bune’s Patron was Ralph Johnson, citizen and grocer of London. “Citizen” probably means that he was a member of the Worshipful Company of Grocers and had the Freedom of the City of London. It also says that Bune “departed”, so presumably didn’t die in office.
What I think that means is:
Bune, Edward, clergyman or clerk, admitted 19 March, to the church of Eversholte alias Eversholde, vacated both of right and in fact, on the presentation of Ralph Johnson, citizen and grocer of London, by virtue of a certain grant of advowson.