This text comes from Directory of Bedfordshire & Huntingdonshire, Cassey, 1862.
A parish and village, is 2 miles east of Woburn, 5 miles north-east of Leighton Buzzard, and 3½ miles north-west of Toddington, in the union of Woburn, diocese of Ely, and hundred of Manshead. It consists of several clusters of houses, called Ends, and is a most respectable parish. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Duke of Bedford. The church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is built in the Gothic and early English styles of architecture, and comprises a nave, chancel, aisles, and square tower. The Rev. James Reed, B.D., bequeathed a sufficient sum to defray the expenses of a new chancel window, which was put in agreeably to his desire. In the chancel is a monument erected to his memory, and also one to the Honorable Frances Ongley, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Samuel Henley, first Baron Ongley; likewise, to Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, and Mrs. Sarah Hodgkinson. The font is an interesting specimen of early English, and is in an excellent state of preservation. There is a National school for boys and girls; also an Infant school. The population, in 1851, was 982, and the acreage is 2,117. The Duke of Bedford is lord of the manor.
Letters arrive from Woburn at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at ¼ to 6 p.m.
Ashwell, Edward, Esq., Church end
Smart, William Lynn, Esq., Linden end
Stannard, John, Esq., Froxfield
Atkins, John, farmer
Bailey, William, blacksmith, Whit’s end
Crouch, Edmund, buteher and innkeeper
Daniel, Daniel, farmer, Potter’s end
Daniel William, farmer, Whit’s end
Gazely, John, shoemaker, Rad’s end
Godfrey, William, farmer, Church end
Goodman, William, farmer, Water end
Green, William, farmer, Tyrrel’s end
Hardwick, Mrs., watchmaker, Rad’s end
Harris, Samuel, shopkeeper, Church end
Inns, Thomas, farmer, Whit’s end
Martendale, Abr., blacksmith, Water end
Miller, Mr., farmer, &c.
Negus, John, butcher, Church end
Pepper, Isaac, Roebuck, Hill’s end
Pepper, William, beer retailer, Church end
Pike, James, farmer, Wake’s farm
Reddall, William Thomas and Robert, watchmakers and bellhangers, Froxfield
Rush, Francis, wheelwright, “Whit’s end
Rush, William, lath render, Brook end
Side, Mary, baker, Church end
Smith, Samuel, currier, Rad’s end
Smith, Mrs., innkeeper
Stevens, William, bootmaker, Whit’s end
Watkins, Richard, farmer, Bury end