Pictures from the Green Man

When Sheila Williams took over the Green Man in 2003, there were quite a few pictures of local scenes and people on the walls. At the time Sheila sold the lease to the subsequent tenants, the pictures had been taken down to scan them, ready to make a smarter display – many were rather tatty and needed cleaning up. However, the new tenants didn’t want the pictures, so they went into storage with all the timesheets and VAT returns and ephemera that cannot be immediately thrown away. In 2011, the pictures reappeared after a clearout, and have been scanned again and are all presented here in one lot. (There are also copies of some of them on other pages here as well.) These have been edited to adjust contrast and colour, but not to patch up the many scratches and spots. Some of the paper copies are very faded.

It’s not clear who owns the copyright to any of these. If you see anything here that you’d not like published, please leave a comment below and we’ll fix it.
Because there are nearly 40 photos here, they’re presented as a slideshow to stop the page getting ridiculously large. To see much larger versions of the pictures, or to see the whole Picasa album that holds them, click the picture.
Can you help tie down any of the occasions shown? Do you know who any of the people are? We’d love to know, so please do leave a comment.



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