Thisis a transcript of the conveyance for two small pieces of land added to Eversholt churchyard in 1864.
The small piece owned by the Eversholt Charity is where the current loo and garden shed sits. It’s plot 551 in the 1808 Enclosure book, “Tenement and Garden near the Church”, 3 square poles or about 75m2, where it is listed among the property of the Town Estate.
The larger piece used to be the vicarage. It’s plot 552 in the 1808 enclosure book, 20 square perches or 500m2, listed there as “Old Vicarage House &c”, owned by the Rector. The associated sketch map is of very poor quality. It shows two plots, one approximating to the vicarage of 20 square poles, and a second plot of 3 square poles for the path down to the school. However, it’s not at all clear how they join up. The path is shown as a separate public path in the enclosure map.
The mismatched quotes and brackets below are in the original. It mixes (square) perches and poles. A square perch is the same as a square pole, about 25m2.
Blame Emrys Williams for all mistakes. He added the hyperlinks.
Under the authority and for the purposes of an Act of Parliament passed in the fifty eighth year of the reign of King George the third intituled “An Act for building and for promoting the building of additional Churches in populous parishes” and another Act passed in the fifty ninth year of the said reign intituled “An Act to amend and render more more effectual an Act passed in the last session of Parliament for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in populous parishes” and another Act passed in the third year of the reign of King George the fourth intituled “An Act to amend and render more effectual two acts passed in the fifty eighth and fifty ninth years of His late Majesty for building and promoting the building of additional churches in populous parishes” and of another Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria intituled “An Act for the further amendment of the Church Building Acts” and of the other Acts commonly called the Church Building Acts and particularly of an Act Passed in the Session holden in the 19th and 20th years of the same reign intituled “An Act for transferring the powers of the Church Building Commissioners to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England
I the Revd William Samuel Baker Rector of the Rectory and Parish Church of Eversholt in the County of Bedford being seized to me and my successors in right of my Church and Rectory of the piece of Land firstly herein described and the fee and inheritance thereof Do by these presents as to the same piece of Land freely and voluntarily and without any valuable consideration give grant and convey
And we the Right Honorable Charles James Fox Russell commonly called Lord Charles James Fox Russell The Honorable George Henley Ongley Richard Thomas Gilpin of Hockliffe Grange in Bedfordshire Esquire William Lynn Smart of Eversholt aforesaid Esquire William Cooper Cooper of Toddington in Bedfordshire Esquire John Green of Eversholt aforesaid Gentleman Thomas Bennett of Woburn in Bedfordshire Gentleman Edward Ashwell of Eversholt aforesaid Yeoman William Goodman of Eversholt aforesaid Yeoman George Rock late of Eversholt aforesaid but now of the town of Bedford Yeoman William Daniel of Eversholt aforesaid Yeoman Joseph Norris of Ridgmont in Bedfordshire Yeoman and William Green of Eversholt aforesaid Yeoman the present surviving Trustees of a Charity known as the Eversholt Charity and being as such Trustees seized of the piece of Land secondly herein described (together with other hereditaments and the fee and inheritance thereof upon certain trusts for the reparation of the Church the relief of the Poor and the aid of the Town of Eversholt aforesaid Do by these presents as to the said piece of Land secondly described freely and voluntarily and without any valuable consideration give grant and convey unto the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners Firstly All that piece of Land containing Twenty three poles parcel of the Glebe Lands of the Rectory of Eversholt situate in the Parish of Eversholt in the County of Bedford and bounded on the North and North East by the Churchyard of the Parish Church on part of the east by the piece of Land secondly herein described on the south east and on the remainder of the east by Land belonging to Samuel Harris on the Southern end thereof by the Road leading to the Schools and in the West by Land belonging to the Trustees of the Monoux Estate And Secondly All that piece of Land containing three perches situate in the Parish of Eversholt aforesaid and bounded on the North or North east by the said Churchyard abutting east on the Village Street bounded on the South by Land belonging to William Green and the west by the piece of Land firstly herein described which two pieces of Land are delineated on the plan drawn in the margin of these presents and are thereon edged with pink and yellow respectively Together with all ways fences watercourses rights easements and appurtenances to the said two pieces of Land belonging or enjoyed therewith And all the estate right title and interest of us the said several granting parties respectively therein and thereto or which we are by the said Acts of any of them empowered to convey To hold (free from Land Tax and Tithe Rent Charge) unto the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners and their Successors for the purposes of the said Acts as and for an addition to the Churchyard or Burial Ground of the parish Church of Eversholt aforesaid and to be devoted when consecrated to Ecclesiasatical purposes for ever by virtue and according to the true intent and meaning of the said several recited acts In Witness whereof we the said several granting parties have hereunto set our hands and seals and we the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners have hereunto affixed our Common Seal the … day of … One thousand eight hundred and sixty four
[The seals or signatures of…]
William Samuel Baker
Charles J F Russell
George Henley Ongley
R T Gilpin
Wm Lynn Smart
W Cooper Cooper
John Green
Thomas Bennett
Edwad Ashwell
William Goodman
George Rock
William Daniel
Joseph Norris
William Green
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Edward Ashwell and William Green in the presence of James Chapman Schoolmaster Eversholt
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named William Lynn Smart in the presence of John Addington Symonds MA Clifton Bristol
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named William Samuel Baker Charles James Fox Russell Richard Thomas Gilpin William Cooper Cooper John Green Thomas Bennett William Goodman George Rock William Daniel and Joseph Norris in the presence of Wm. Frederick Green MA Woburn
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named George Henley Ongley in the presence of John Gerrard Andrewes Baker Clerk Vicarage Old Warden Biggleswade
John Addington Symonds has a fascinating wikipedia entry. I do hope I have the right one – his father had the same name, but the father was an MD, while ours is an MA.
More wonderful Stuff about William Cooper Copper – a Toddington man, so not covered here – is at
Here is a VERY APPROXIMATE map of the lands transferred.