Tithes 1837

The tithes – taxes on the village to pay for the church – were changed in 1837.

These images of the record books were collected by Iain Dickson and provided as part of his archaeological survey. Thank you, Iain! Click each page to see a full size version. This is a list of who owns and farms what land in the village in 1837. A transcription of some of this is below, but it is not yet complete. The tables refer to numbered areas on a plan. I have not found the plan.


[Not very accurate]

Apportionment of the rent-charge in lieu of tithes in the Parish of Eversholt in the county of Bedford

Whereas an agreement for the commutation of tithes in the parish of Eversholt in the County of Bedford was, on the 13th day of July in the year 1837, confirmed by the tithes commissioners for England and Wales, of which agreement, with the schedule thereunto annexed, the following is a copy:

Articles of agreement for the commutation of the tithes of the parish of Eversholt in the county of Bedford in pursuance of the act for the commutation of tithes in England and Wales made and executed at a meeting duly called and holden at the Green Man Inn in the said parish on the 25th day of October in the year of our Lord 1836 according to the provisions of the said act by and between the several bodies politic and persons owners of land within the said parish by whom or by whose agents duly authorised in that behalf these presents are executed and the interest of which landowners in the lands of the said parish is not less than two thirds of the lands therein subject to tithes of the one part and the Reverend James Reed Clerk Rector of the said parish and owner of all the tithes as well great as small thereof of the other part.
It is by these presents witnessed that at the said meeting it hath been and is mutually agreed upon by and between all the said parties to these presents in manner following (That is to say) that the annual sum of £500 by way of rent charge (Subject to variation as in the said act provided and subject to the other provisions therein contained) shall be payable and paid to the said James Reed as rector of the said parish and owner of the tithes thereof and his successors instead of all the tithes as well great as small of the lands of the said parish subject to tithes (Including tithe of glebe the rent charge in lieu of which it is hereby agreed shall be fixed at the sum of 20 pounds in respect of all the tithes great as well as small of all the glebe lands of the said parish and which sum it is hereby agreed shall be apportioned exclusively upon the said glebe lands) and all the moduses and compositions real and presumptive and customary payments payable in respect of such lands or the produce thereof.
In testimony whereof the said parties to these presents or their respective agents thereunto duly authorized in their names and on their behalf have to these presents subscribed and set their respective hands and seals.

to the above articles of agreement containing
a statement of all the particulars required by
the said act to be set forth or otherwise
requisite for the purposes of the agreement.

The whole parish of Eversholt aforesaid contains 2119 acres and 11 perches of said statute measure

The whole quantity of lands of the said parish which are subject to the payment of any kind of tithes is 2086 Acres 2 roods and 3 perches statue measure

The whole quantity of land subject to tithes within the said parish which is cultivated as arable land is 724 acres and 21 perches statute measure

The whole quantity of land subject to tithes within the said parish cultivated as meadow or pasture land is 1197 acres 1 rood and 9 perches statute measure.

The whole quantity of land subject to tithes within the said parish now cultivated as woodland is 1164 acres and 13 percehs status measure.

The glebe lands of the said parish which if not in the hands of the owner would be subject to tithe amount to 65 acres 2 roods and 36 perches statute measure.

Now I Joseph Swan of the parish of Knebworth in the county of Hertford having been duly appointed Valuer to apportion the total sum agreed to be paid by way of rent charge in lieu of tithes, amongst the several lands of the said parish of Eversholt do hereby apportion the rent charge as follows:

Gross rent charge payable to the titheowner in lieu of tithes for the parish of Eversholt in the county of Bedford.

Five Hundred Pounds

Value in Imperial Bushels and Decimal Parts of an Imperial Bushel of Wheat, Barley, and Oats
Price per Bushel Bushels and Decimal Parts
Wheat 7s. 0¼d. 474.77745
Barley 3s. 11½d. 842.10527
Oats 2s. 9d. 1212.12121

[There is a great table of who owns what, who rents what, what it is used for, how much is owed. But it is more than I can type today. Feel free to volunteer!]

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